Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Development of a safety protocol for training and using SARS-CoV-2 detection dogs: A pilot study
, vol.60, pp.79-88, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)
, vol.105, pp.155-156, 2013 (SCI-Expanded)
Articles Published in Other Journals
Türkiye’de koyunlarda görülen endemic bazı virus enfeksiyonları.
Türkiye Klinikleri Veteriner Bilimleri-İç Hastalıkları Özel Dergisi
, vol.3, no.1, pp.24-29, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Peste des petits ruminants in Turkey findings between 2010 and 2013
FAO Empres Animal Health 360. /2015
, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Sığırlarda Viral Nedenli Solunum sistemi Enfeksiyonlarının Seroepidemiyolojisi
Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg
, vol.44, no.1, pp.73-80, 1997 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Viral Enfeksiyonların Tek Sağlık Açısından Önemi
XVI. Veteriner Hekimleri Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi (Uluslararası Katılımlı), Turkey, 25 - 28 October 2024
Development of a Safety Protocol for Training and Using Sars-Cov-2 Detection Dogs
27th FECAVA EUROCONGRESS, Praha, Czech Republic, 8 - 11 June 2022
Vektör kaynaklı enfeksiyonlarda Korunma ve Bağışıklama
Ulusal Tek Sağlık Sempozyumu ve Çalıştayı, Ankara, Turkey, 21 - 23 November 2019
Comparative analysis of the immune response induced by BOHV-4- based vector versus DNA vaccination . 13 th Epizone Annual Meeting “Breaking Walls”. 26-29 august 2019, Berlin, Almanya
13 th Epizone Annual Meeting “Breaking Walls”. 26-29 august 2019, Berlin, Almanya, Berlin, Germany, 26 - 29 August 2019
Comparative analysis of the immune response induced by BoHV-4-based vector versus DNA vaccination
BİLGE DAĞALP S., Aligholipour Farzani T., DOĞAN F., AKKUTAY YOLDAR A. Z., ÖZKUL A., ALKAN F., et al.
13.Epizone Annual Meting, Berlin, Germany, 26 - 28 August 2019
Activation of Dentritic Cells by an Adjuvant System Composed of Chitosan and Porins
CRS Annual Meeting, 21 - 24 July 2019
In Vitro Activation of Murine Macrophages by Adjuvant System Composed Of Chitosan And Porins
EUFEPS Annual Meeting 2019, 6 - 08 March 2019
KKKA: Aşı Gerçek mi yoksa mit mi?
VII. Türkiye Zoonotik Hastalıklar Sempozyumu, Turkey, 9 - 10 November 2018
KKKA Aşıları 2
Uluslararası XXXVIII. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 4 - 08 November 2018
The investigation of the prevalence of BTV infection in some domestic ruminants in Eastern Mediterranean region, Turkey
11th International Congress for Veterinary Virology (ESVV2018), Viyana, Austria, 27 - 30 August 2018
Epidemiologic investigation and possible vector identification of Akabane virus infection in domestic ruminant species(cows, sheep and goats) in Eastern Mediterranean Region, Turkey
11th International Congress for Veterinary Virology (ESVV2018), Viyana, Austria, 27 - 30 August 2018
The molecular and serological detection of Schmallenberg Virus (SBV) infection in cows and sheep in Eastern Mediterranean region, Turkey
The 4rd International Symposium on EuroAsian Biodiversity (SEAB208), Kiev, Ukraine, 3 - 06 July 2018
Investigation of Epidemiology of Schmallenberg Virus (SBV) Infection in Abortion Cases in Goats in Eastern Mediterranean Region
1st International GAP Agriculture and Livestock Congress., Şanlıurfa, Turkey, 25 - 27 April 2018
2. Ulusal Viroloji Günleri, İzmir, Turkey, 22 - 24 March 2018
An overview on some arbovirus infections in animals in Turkey.
EQA Follow-Up And Scientific-Technical Meeting Of The Medilabsecure Animal Virology Network., Madrid, Spain, 21 - 22 November 2017
Investigation of hantavirus exictance in Mediterranean and Central Anatolia regions of Turkey
8 th European Meeting on Viral Zoonoses, St Raphael, France, 22 - 25 October 2017
A cross-sectional surveillance reveal tick phleboviruses in Mediterranean Anatolia, Turkey
One Health9th Tick and Tick-borne Pathogen Conference 1st Asia Pacific Rickettsia Conference, Queensland, 27 August - 01 October 2017
Investigation of Enteroviruses,Herpesviruses (Types 1,2,6,7), Flaviviruses and Phleboviruses by Polymerase Chain Reaction in Patients with Atypical Meningitis/Encephalitis
20th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology, 13 - 16 September 2017
Investigation of Enterovirus RNA in patients with central nervous system infections
20th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology, Stresa, Italy, 13 - 16 September 2017
Detection of CCHFV AP92-Related Strains in Field-Collected Ticks from Mediterranean and Eastern Anatolia
2 nd International Conference on Crimean- Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Thessaloniki, Greece, 10 - 12 September 2017, pp.37
Role of wild birds and domestic ruminants in local CCHFV epidemiology in Turkey
Second International Conference on Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Thessaloniki, Greece, 10 - 12 September 2017
Detection of CCHFV AP92 - related straıns in field- collected ticks from Mediterranean and Eastern Anatolia
2nd International Conference on Crimean -Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Thessaloniki, Greece, 10 - 12 September 2017
The molecular and antigenic characterization of Turkish Bovine Herpesvirustype1 (BoHV-1) isolates.
5th Veterinary Herpesvirus Symposium of the European Society For Veterinary Virology (ESVV 2017), Ghent, Belgium, 29 July - 03 August 2017
Bovine herpesvirus type 4-BAC as an attractive viral vector for vaccination and gene therapy
16th Euro Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines Vaccination, Paris, France, 19 - 21 June 2017
Viral Zoonozlar Epidemiyolojik Dinamikler
VI. Türkiye Zoonoztik Hastalıklar Sempozyumu: Küresel Tehdit, Zoonozlar, 4 - 05 November 2016
Current status of PPR LSD and AKA diseases in Turkey Risk s for European threat
10TH ANNUAL MEETING EPIZONE, 27 - 29 October 2016
Animal health aspects related to CCHF and latest findingsfrom Turkey
MediLabSecure Regional Meeting& Technical Workshop on Public Health, 15 - 17 October 2016
Viral Enfeksiyonlar İçin Hayvan Modelleri
4. Ulusal Laboratuvar Hayvanları Bilimi Kongresi. Uluslararası Katılımlı., Samsun, Turkey, 5 - 06 October 2015
Perinatal West Nile Virus Infection in a foal in Turkey
ESVV Xth International Congress for Veterinary Virology, 31 August - 03 September 2015
Molecular epidemiology of peste des petits ruminants virus PPRV infection in sheep and goats in Iran
X.International Congress for Veterinary Virology, 9. Annual Meeting of Epizone, 31 August - 03 September 2015
Diagnosis and monitoring of Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Virus in Endemic Countries
Workshop on Molecular Diagnosis of Relevant Zoonotic Arboviruses., Madrid, Spain, 15 - 19 June 2015
West Nile Virus Turkey s Experience on Clinical Disease and Laboratory Diagnosis
Food Security: Improving Approaches to Prevent and Control Viral Diseases of Livestock and Poultry, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 - 15 May 2015
Veteriner Aşılar alanında bir biyobenzer örneği gE ifade etmeyen recombinant BoHV 1 elde edilmesi
Uluslararafsı Katılımlı Aşı Bilim Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 28 - 30 April 2015
Mavidil Virus Enfeksiyonu
2. Koyun ve Keçi Sağlığı ve Yönetimi Sempozyumu., Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey, 15 - 18 April 2015
Prevalence of Equine Herpesvirus İnfections in Foals With Respiratory Tract Disease in A Private Pension Farm, Turkey.
International Meeting On Emerging Diseases And Surveillance, Viyana, Austria, 31 October - 04 November 2014
Molecular detection of Salehabad / Adria Virus in sandflies and West Nile Virus in mosquitoes from Eastern Thrace, Turkey
ESCMID 24th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 10 - 13 May 2014
Seroepidemiology Of Bluetongue Virus İnfection in Northeast And Southeast Anatolia, Turkey’’.
ESVV IX. Internation Congress Of Veterinary Virology 4-7 Eylül 2012, , Madrid, İspanya., Madrid, Spain, 4 - 07 September 2012
Vacuolating cytotoxic activity of forty Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from Turkish patients
10th International Workshop on CHRO, 12 - 16 September 1999
Yenilikçi Aşı Araştırmalarında Alternatif Vektör ve Genetik Adjuvan Sistemleri
2. Uluslararası Aşı Bilimi Kongresi ve ISV Destekli DNA Aşısı Çalıştayı, İzmir, Turkey, 24 - 26 May 2018
Books & Book Chapters
Astroviridae ve Nodaviridae
in: Veteriner Viroloji, Kadir Yeşilbağ, Editor, Medipres, Malatya, pp.371-376, 2021
Expert Reports