SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Correlation of Ochratoxin A Exposure to Urinary Levels of 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine and Malondialdehyde in a Turkish Population
, cilt.86, sa.3, ss.258-262, 2011 (SCI-Expanded)
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Farmakovijilans Sistemi ve Eczacının Rolü
Literatür Eczacılık Bilimleri Dergisi
, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi)
3R Kuramına Göre Güncel Deri Duyarlılığı Testleri
Literatür Eczacılık Bilimleri Dergisi
, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)
Kronik akciğer hastalıkları ve sitokinler
, cilt.15, sa.10, ss.95-101, 2003 (Hakemli Dergi)
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar
Investigation of the mutagenicity of the TiO2 nanoparticles by modified Ames II assay
2nd International Gazi Pharma Symposium Series (GPSS-2017), 11 - 13 Ekim 2017
Investigation of the mutagenetic effects of metal oxide nanoparticles
52nd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX), 4 - 07 Eylül 2016
In vitro cytotoxicity and genotoxicity einvestigation of differently sized TiO2 nanoparticles
52nd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX), 4 - 07 Eylül 2016
In vitro cytotoxicity and genotoxicity studies of titanium dioxide TiO2 nanoparticles
55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, SOT (Society of Toxicology), 13 - 17 Mart 2016
Comparison of TiO2 nanoparticles genotoxicity in two different cell lines by using Comet assay
9th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries (9CTDC), 7 - 10 Kasım 2015
Investigation of the genotoxic effects of TiO2 nanoparticles by using Ames test
TURKHELTOX Toxicology Congress, 9th Congress of the Turkish Society of Toxicology with the participation of the Hellenic Society of Toxicology, 21 - 24 Ekim 2015
Comparison of TiO2 nanoparticles genotoxicity in two differrent cell lines by using Comet Assay
TURKHELTOX Toxicology Congress, 9th Congress of the Turkish Society of Toxicology with the participation of the Hellenic Society of Toxicology, 21 - 24 Ekim 2015
Investigation of the TiO2 solid nanoparticles safety for human health by using ın vitro tests
11th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISOPS), 9 - 12 Haziran 2015
Investigation of Antioxidant Activity of Boric Acid in V79 Cell Cultures
50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX), Edinburgh, Saint Helena, 7 - 10 Eylül 2014
Borik Asitin Oksidatif DNA Hasarı Üzerindeki Koruyucu Etkisinin Hücre Kültüründe Araştırılması
Türk Toksikoloji Derneği III. Bölgesel Toksikoloji Sempozyumu, İzmir, Türkiye, 12 - 14 Haziran 2014
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri
Radyasyon ve radyoaktif materyallerin toksik etkileri
Casarett and Doull's Toksikolojinin Temelleri, Sinan Süzen, Ahmet Oğuz Ada, Bulut Demirel, Onur Erdem, Gonca Çakmak Demircigil, Pınar Erkekoğlu, Editör, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, ss.373-380, 2017