SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar
İpek Dokuma Yüzey Özelliklerinin Kimyasal Modifikasyon ile Geliştirilmesi
IX. Polymer Science and Technology Congress with International Participation, Ankara, Türkiye, 16 - 18 Eylül 2024, ss.387
Gluten Türevi Proteinlerle Emülsifiye Edilmiş Su Bazlı Poliüretan Liflerin Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu: Çevre Dostu Malzemelere Yeni Bir Yaklaşım
IX. Polymer Science and Technology Congress with International Participation, Ankara, Türkiye, 16 - 18 Eylül 2024, ss.405
Electrochemical Behaviour of Conductive Composite Film Doped with Plant-Derived Protein Fibers
IX. Polymer Science and Technology Congress with International Participation, Ankara, Türkiye, 16 - 18 Eylül 2024, ss.388
Advancing Surface Engineering: Developing a Biocompatible Electrospun Cellulose Fabric for Nanofibrous Web Design
IX. Polymer Science and Technology Congress with International Participation, Ankara, Türkiye, 16 - 18 Eylül 2024, ss.398
Surface Functionalization of Cotton Fabrics with Modified Bamboo Cellulose-Based Biopolymers Through Electrospinning Technique
50th World Polymer Congress IUPAC MACRO 2024, Coventry, İngiltere, 1 - 04 Temmuz 2024, ss.73
Chemically Attractive Surface Modification of Cotton Fabrics via Electrospinning Technique Using Sustaninable Wool Keratin-based Biopolymeric Blends
50th World Polymer Congress IUPAC MACRO 2024, Coventry, İngiltere, 1 - 04 Temmuz 2024
Cotton Reimagined: Surface Functionalization of Cotton Fabric Using Waterborne Polyurethane/Poly(2-ethyl 2-oxazoline) Blends for Biomedical Textiles
The 50th World Polymer Conference IUPAC Macro 2024, Coventry, İngiltere, 1 - 04 Temmuz 2024
Revolutionizing Textile Properties: A Study on the Electrospinning of Biocompatible Polymer Blend onto Cotton Fabric
5. Euroasia Biochemical Approaches and Technologies, Antalya, Türkiye, 2 - 05 Kasım 2023
Development of an Easily Applicable Heterogeneous Catalyst by Anchoring Palladium and Gold Nanoparticles onto Chemically-Modified Wool Fabrics
NanoTR-16, Ankara, Türkiye, 5 - 08 Eylül 2022
Adsorption of palladium ions onto keratin particles extracted from wool wastes
3rd International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2020), Ankara, Türkiye, 19 - 20 Mart 2020
Preparation of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polypyrrole/Fe3O4 Composite and Investigation of Its Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness
5th International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS), Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, 12 - 16 Haziran 2019
Ag Particles Deposition on Polyacrylonitrile Fibers Grafted By Acrylamide, Acrylamide-Itaconic Acid and Acrylamide-Maleic Acid
5th International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, 22 - 24 Nisan 2019
Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness Performances of Wool Fabric Composites Differently Coated with Conductive Polyaniline Derivatives and Noble Ag Particles
2nd International Conference on Innovations in Natural Science and Engineering, Kiev, Ukrayna, 7 - 10 Eylül 2018
Preparation of Conductive Polyaniline/Metacryloyl Modified-Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Thin Films and Investigation of Their Usability in the Reduction of Morphologically Different Ag Particles
31st Materials Science and Engineering Conference: Advancement Innovations, Helsinki, Finlandiya, 15 - 17 Ekim 2018
The Preparation of Ag Particles Deposited and Acrylic Acid Grafted Polyacrylonitrile Fiber Composite and Its Antibacterial Properties
4th International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies, 7 - 10 Eylül 2018
Modification and Characterization of Poly(acrylonitrile) Fibers by Grafting of Acrylic Acid
International Congress on Fundemental and Applied Sciences, 18 - 22 Haziran 2018
The Modification of Surface of Polyacrylonitrile Fiber by Grafting of Glycidyl Methacrylate Monomer
4th Interntional Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, ST. PETERSBURG, Rusya, 11 - 13 Mayıs 2018
İletken Polimer/Metal Parçacık ile Kaplanmış Nonwoven Kumaşların Elektromanyetik GirişimeKarşı Koruyuculuğunun İncelenmesi.
29.ULUSAL KİMYA KONGRESİ, Ankara, Türkiye, 10 - 14 Eylül 2017
Preparation of conductive composite fiber by the reduction of silver particles onto hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile fiber
ICP 2016: 18th International Conference on Polymer, Rio de Janeiro, Brezilya, 1 - 02 Şubat 2016
Preparation and Characterization of Conductive Poly o anisidine Coated Wool Fabrics
European Polymer Congress, Pisa, İtalya, 16 - 19 Haziran 2013
Conducting Nonwoven Poly( ethylene trephthalate) Fabric Composite
The 12th International SymposiumonMultiscale, Multifunctional Functionally Graded Materials, Çin, 22 - 26 Eylül 2012
o m ve p Poliaminofenol Türevlerinin Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu
4. Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji Kongresi, Türkiye, 5 - 08 Eylül 2012
Preparation and Characterization of Conducting Composite of Polyaniline Polythiophene Poly ethylene terapthalate Fiber
14. International Asian Chemistry Conference, Bangkok, Tayland, 5 - 08 Eylül 2011
İletken Politiyofen Poli etilenteraftalat Kompozit Liflerin Hazırlanması ve Karakterizasyonu
24.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Türkiye, 29 Haziran - 02 Temmuz 2010
Polifuran/Poli etilenteraftalat Kompozit Liflerin Hazırlanması ve Karakterizasyonu
3.Polimer Bilimi ve Teknoloji Kongresi, Türkiye, 12 - 14 Mayıs 2010