OZONE-SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, cilt.39, sa.2, ss.91-96, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)
The organic olives from Cine-Aydn (Turkey) were washed with tap or ozonated water for 2 and 5min, respectively, and pressed to olive oil. The effects of wash treatments on fatty acid composition and several quality parameters of the oils were determined. The maximum values after 2-min ozonated water washes were 9.58 meqO(2)/kg, 0.73%, 2.44 and 0.16 for peroxide, free acid, K-232 and K-270 values, respectively, which were under the standard limits for extra-virgin olive oil. Five min of ozonated water washes also yielded acceptable results, except for a slight excess on K-232 value. Ozonated water washes had almost no effect on fatty acid composition.