Effects of various sulphuring methods and storage temperatures on the physical and chemical quality of dried apricots

Coskun A. L., Turkyilmaz M., Aksu O. T., Koc B. E., Yemis O., ÖZKAN M.

FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol.141, no.4, pp.3670-3680, 2013 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 141 Issue: 4
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Doi Number: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.06.033
  • Journal Name: FOOD CHEMISTRY
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.3670-3680
  • Keywords: Dried apricots, Sulphuring methods, Browning, beta-Carotene, Storage, SULFUR-DIOXIDE, BETA-CAROTENE, COLOR, ANTIOXIDANT, VARIETIES, KINETICS
  • Ankara University Affiliated: Yes


The effects of different sulphuring methods, i.e. sulphuring by "burning the elemental sulphites (BES)," "SO2 gas from liquified SO2 tank (SG)" and "dipping into sodium metabisulphite solution (DSM)" on the colour (brown colour formation and carotenoid degradation) and the loss of SO2 in apricots from Hacihaliloglu and Kabaasi varieties stored at 5, 20 and 30 degrees C for a year were investigated. There were significant effects of variety, sulphuring method and especially storage at 30 degrees C on the brown colour formation and loss of SO2 (P < 0.05). As storage temperature-time increased, beta-carotene content decreased. Sulphuring methods and variety did not show significant effect on beta-carotene content (P > 0.05). The changes in L*, If and C* values were directly associated with beta-carotene content and browning values. The most suitable method for all samples, except for Hacihaliloglu variety stored at 30 degrees C (BES), is SG, because the samples retained their attractive golden yellow colour during storage. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.