Aflatoksin B1 verilmiş civcivlerin karaciğer parenşimi üzerinde ışık, flüoresan ve elektron mikroskobik çalışmalar

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Ergün L.

Ankara Üniversitesi veteriner fakültesi dergisi, cilt.46, sa.1, ss.105-114, 2000 (Hakemli Dergi)


This study was carried out umler li~ht-, ./lııoresccncc - aııd e1ecfrolı microscopy to investigate the efreds ol a/latoxin Bı in feeds on chicks' li ı'er and its re/ation with vitamin A metabolism, Thirtv chich were used throughout the study. Dil red o dye was used/in- thc demonstration olfats in the liver and gold impregnation was IJellinmed to shmı' the perisinl/soidal cells' localisation, Results showed that there wcre /i)cal areas ot.tiJ! depe/7(ling on exccss .tat accumulation in the helHJ!ocytes, endothelial lining eel Is j,vhich comfJose thc 1}(I,lic structure ot sinusoids had negative ef{eus arising .ti'Ofn disorganiaJ!iolı olliver filates, Kupfrer eclls were deereased and their phagocytic abilities j,vas reduced. Depmding on decrease ol perisinusoidal cclls, liver \1'as regressed the abilitv to s/ore vi/mniıı A.