Omental infarction: CT findings (case report) Omental infarkt: BT bulgulari.

Yildiz S., Atasoy C., YAĞCI C., Akyar S.

Tanisal ve girişimsel radyoloji : Tibbi Görüntüleme ve Girişimsel Radyoloji Dernegi yayin organi, cilt.10, sa.2, ss.158-161, 2004 (Scopus) identifier identifier


Omental infarction, the end result of impaired perfusion of the greater omentum, is an uncommon cause of acute abdominal pain. Because its clinical symptoms are nonspecific, it is usually confused with more common conditions such as appendicitis or cholecystitis. Consequently, the diagnosis is generally made intraoperatively. However, computed tomography shows characteristic findings and allows a reliable preoperative diagnosis, preventing unnecessary laparotomy. We report two cases of omental infarction, and describe typical CT findings of this rare entitiy.