A transplantation study with <i>Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.)</i> Zopf about air pollution mapping of Çankırı Turkey

Isik V., Aydin S. S., Ghalghachi A. A., Beirami N., Turan A., YILDIZ A.



For researching of Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, Mn and Cu concentrations, lichen thallus and airborne particles were investigated in & Ccedil;ankiri city. From an uncontaminated area thalli of fruticose lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf were taken and exposed to contaminated area by bag (transplant) technique. According to results, existence of heavy metals in particles is considerable for assessing pollution levels in certain areas. The crucial relation between the heavy metals uptaken by lichens and heavy metals in the air is a evidence that lichens reflect atmospheric pollution. In addition, the results indicate that for determining heavy metal pollution lichens can be utilized as a bioindicator organism. The aim of this research was to evaluate the level of air pollution in & Ccedil;ankiri and to constitute air pollution map by using P. furfuracea as a bioindicator. Lichen specimens were collected from an unpolluted area in Yaprakli Mountains in & Ccedil;ankiri in July 2002 and carried to 6 different localities in & Ccedil;ankiri. Specimens were re-collected separately in two different periods, 3 and 6 months later. Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn concentrations were analyzed with ICP-MS device. Amounts of chlorophyll a and b were measured by DMSO technique. It was reached that with heavy metal content results in P. furfuracea to air pollution data in & Ccedil;ankiri. The clear causes of pollution in & Ccedil;ankiri stations were heating activities, vehicle and industrial pollution.