Ataturk Universitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.13, sa.2, ss.251-256, 2018 (Scopus)
© 2018 Ataturk Universitesi.All Rights Reserved.There are more than 140 different microorganisms including mycoplasma species that can cause mastitis in cows. In previous studies, it has been revealed that more than 10 mycoplasma species can cause mastitis in cows. Most common mycoplasma species which can cause mastitis are; M bovis, M alkalescens, M bovigenitalium, M arginini, M canadense, M californicum and M dispar. In recent years in our country, along with the increase in the herd levels, incidence of the mycoplasma related mastitis increased as well. In dairy farms, usually origin of the mycoplasma mastitis outbreaks are newly added infected animals or asymptomatic carriers to herd. Besides being mastitis pathogen, mycoplasma species have been causing different health problems such as pneumonia, infertility, abort, arthritis and otitis. Thus there have been economic loss in dairy cow farms. When mycoplasma mastitis outbreak occurs in a dairy cow farm, transmission is rapid and the animals of different ages could be affected. Clinically, infected animals will show dramatic loss in milk yield but no signs of systematic ilness semptoms. There is no effective treatment for mycoplasma mastitis, thus control and prevention strategies become more and more important. There are several factors which have role in transmission of the disease in herd. By controlling these factors, it is possible to control and prevent mycoplasma mastitis outbreaks. As a result, nowadays, mastitis due to mycoplasma species is a common and important problem in dairy cow. Since there is no known effective treatment for mycoplasma mastitis, prevention should be the primary goal. In this review, risk factors for mastitis associated with mycoplasma microorganisms and information about control of the outbreak and prevention strategies of mycoplasma mastitis outbreaks have been given.