QUINTESSENCE INTERNATIONAL, cilt.40, sa.8, ss.647-654, 2009 (SCI-Expanded)
Dental trauma can lead to a wide range of injuries of which crown and root fractures are examples. This report describes the management of previously untreated crown- and root-fractured maxillary permanent incisors in an 18-year-old patient. The patient underwent no treatment for 8 years and then presented with the complaint of recurrent pain and swelling. Intraoral examination showed crown fractures in the maxillary right central and left lateral incisors, while radiographic examination revealed large radiolucent lesions related to the periapical area of these teeth and a horizontal root fracture in the middle third of the maxillary left central incisor. Endodontic therapy and periapical surgery were performed for the persistent periapical periodontitis associated with the crown-fractured teeth. Connective tissue healing was detected for the root-fractured tooth. However, because of its proximity to periapical lesions, this root-fractured tooth was also included in the periapical surgery. Follow-up 1 year later showed clinical and radiographic healing. (Quintessence Int 2009; 40: 647-654)