ankara üniversitesi veteriner fakültesi dergisi, cilt.44, ss.201-213, 1997 (Hakemli Dergi)
In this study, the histochemieal characteristics of M.biventer cervicis and M.iliofibularis were
exanıined in adult and goslings gecse. Tree types of muscle fibers (typc I, IlA and I1B) were identified by
oxydative and glycolytic enzymes and ATP-ase reactions af ter acid (pHA.6) and alkaline (pH: 10.5)
preincubations in M.biventer cervicis. The same typcs of nıuscle fihers werc determincd in M.iliofibularis as
welL. However. their distrihution throughout the muscle was different and there were nıore fast fibcrs than slow
These findings could be related with the swimming ability and the locomotion of heavy body of geese.