PHYSICAL REVIEW C, cilt.110, sa.3, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)
Excited states in the neutron-deficient nuclide Hf-155 have been investigated in experiments performed at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla. The Hf-155 nuclei were produced in fusion-evaporation reactions induced by beams of 295 and 315 MeV Ni-58 ions bombarding an isotopically enriched Pd-102 target and separated using the recoil mass separator MARA. An isomeric state having a half-life of 510(30) ns was discovered and is interpreted as a seniority nu = 3, (pi h(11/2)(2) circle times nu f(7/2))27/2(-) configuration. The gamma-ray transitions emitted in the deexcitation of the isomeric state to the ground state were identified and a level scheme was constructed, from which the excitation energy of the isomer was determined to be 2581.5(10) keV. A B(E2) value of 0.45(3) W.u. was deduced for the 105.4 keV transition depopulating the isomeric state. The deduced level scheme and B(E2) value are compared with systematics and shell-model calculations.