COLLEGIUM ANTROPOLOGICUM, cilt.32, sa.1, ss.67-72, 2008 (SSCI)
Determination of sex from the femur measurements has been attempted in several populations and various studies have demonstrated the importance of population specific standards in the metric assessment of sex. The present study at tempts to establish metric standards for sex determination by using femur measurements for ancient Japanese populations. Osteometric data were obtained from 151 adult skeletal remains from Jomon period, Yoshigo human skeletal collection. Eight femur measurements were taken and the data were analyzed by discriminant analysis using SPSS version 10.0. For the univariate discriminant function,derived, precision of sex determination was 93% with the condyle breadth. Prediction values showed that sex differentiation could be done by femur measurements with reliability between 66.9 and 100%, with values for males higher than for females. It is suggested that discriminant formulas developed by femur measurements in this study, can be used for sex determination accurately on fragmentary skeletal remains in ancient Japanese populations.