CompSegNet: An enhanced U-shaped architecture for nuclei segmentation in H&E histopathology images

Traore M., Hancer E., SAMET R., YILDIRIM Z., Nemati N.

BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CONTROL, cilt.97, 2024 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In histopathology, nuclei within images hold vital diagnostic information. Automated segmentation of nuclei can alleviate pathologists' workload and enhance diagnostic accuracy. Although U-Net-based methods are prevalent, they face challenges like overfitting and limited field-of-view. This paper introduces a new U-shaped architecture (CompSegNet) for nuclei segmentation in H&E histopathology images by developing enhanced convolutional blocks and a Residual Bottleneck Transformer (RBT) block. The proposed convolutional blocks are designed by enhancing the Mobile Convolution (MBConv) block through a receptive fields enlargement strategy, which we referred to as the Zoom-Filter-Rescale (ZFR) strategy and a global context modeling based on the global context (GC) Block; and the proposed RBT block is developed by incorporating the Transformer encoder blocks in a tailored manner to a variant of the Sandglass block. Additionally, a noise-aware stem block and a weighted joint loss function are designed to improve the overall segmentation performance. The proposed CompSegNet outperforms existing methods quantitatively and qualitatively, achieving a competitive AJI score of 0.705 on the MoNuSeg 2018 dataset, 0.72 on the CoNSeP dataset, and 0.779 on the CPM-17 dataset while maintaining a reasonable parameter count. Furthermore, researchers can access the source code of the CompSegNet architecture at CompSegNet GitHub.