Vitamin A’nın tavuk karaciğerinde hücresel depolanması

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Ergün L.

Ankara Üniversitesi veteriner fakültesi dergisi, cilt.41, sa.2, ss.254-269, 1994 (Hakemli Dergi)


This study was carried out under lif:llI. eleclI'on and f/uorescence microscopy to investif:ate the cellular storaf:e of Vitamin A in the liver of hens f:iven normal and excess doses of Vitamin A palmitate. Fifty adult Ross Brown hreed hens were used as material. Examination of the liver tissue of control animals revealed few perisinusoidal eel/s containinf: one or two smail lipid droplets in their cytoplasms. These eel/s f:ave weak reactiom with Sudan III and f:old chloride. Fluorescence af:ainst Vitamin A was 01.1'0meaf:re. In the animals f:iven Vitamin A palmitote. lipid droplets exhihitinf: f/uorescence af:ainst Vitamin A and reactinf: with Sudan III and f:old chloride were ohserved in the cytoplasm of liver epithelial cells durinf: the first two hours. From the second hour on, lipid droplets were found in the perisinusoidal eells. which f:ave o stronf: reaction af:ainst Sudan III and f:old ehloride. The droplets ~ave 01.1'0o stron~ f/uorescenee with Vitamin A palmitate. The amount of these droplets reached the maximum level toward 15th day- and remained at this level until the end ofsecond month. Granu!ar endoplasmie retieulum, which hecame very active and transformed di/ated sacs in the second hour, eontained some strucfures that showed simi/ar characteristics with lipid droplets. Accordinf: to our findinf:s, newly administrated Vitamin A was initially 10- coted in the 'hepatocytes. then transferred to the perisinusoidal eel/s and stored there. Perisinusoidal cells could have esterification aetivity of Vitamin A.