Determining the Practices and Opinions of University Students on Blood Donation in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Descriptive Study

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Öztürk Birge A., Karabağ Aydın A.

Türkiye Klinikleri Hemşirelik Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.15, sa.2, ss.453-462, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)


ÖZET Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, koronavirüs hastalığı-2019 [coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19)] pandemisinde üniversite öğrencilerinin kan bağışına yönelik uygulama ve görüşlerinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırma tanımlayıcı tipte yapıldı. Ankara ve Kafkas Üniversitesi’nde öğrenim gören 424 lisans öğrencisi araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturdu. Araştırma verileri 15 Kasım 2021-15 Şubat 2022 tarihleri arasında kartopu yöntemi ile online olarak toplandı. Verilerin istatistiksel analizinde frekans, ortalama, Ki-Kare(χ²) ve MannWhitney U test kullanıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 20,8+2,28 (18-40)’di. Öğrencilerin %40,6’sı Ankara Üniversitesi’nden, %59,4’ü Kafkas Üniversitesi’nden çalışmaya katıldı. Çalışmada üniversite öğrencilerinin %24,5’inin ve aile yakınlarının %58,3’ünün COVID-19 geçirdiği belirlendi. Öğrencilerin pandemi öncesinde kan bağışında bulunma oranları %30,7 iken pandemi sürecinde (%16,7) anlamlı olarak azaldığı saptandı (p<0,001). Pandemi döneminde kan transfüzyonuna gereksinimi olan öğrencilerin %47,9’unun kanı bulmakta zorlandığı belirlendi. Pandemi sürecinde erkek öğrencilerin, kanın güvenliğine yönelik endişe yaşamayanların ve kan bağışının sağlığa yararlı olduğunu düşünenlerin bağışta bulunma oranları anlamlı derecede yüksekti (p<0,05). Öğrencilerin pandemi sürecinde kan bağışına yönelik en sık yaşadığı endişe/korku nedeninin “COVID19 bulaşmasından korkarım” olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç: Pandemi döneminde öğrencilerin kan bağışında bulunma oranları anlamlı düzeyde azaldı. Kadınlarda, kanın güvenliğine yönelik endişe yaşayan ve kan bağışının sağlığa zararlı olduğunu düşünlerde bağış yapma oranı anlamlı derecede düşüktü. 

ABS TRACT Objective: To determine the practices and opinions of university students regarding blood donation in the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Material and Methods: A descriptive research design was used. A total of 424 undergraduate students from Ankara and Kafkas Universities made up the sample of the research. Research data were collected online between November 15, 2021 and February 15, 2022 using the snowball method. Frequency and mean values, the Chi-Square (χ²) and Mann-Whitney U tests were used in the statistical analysis of data. Results: The mean age of the students participating in the study was 20.8+2.28 (18-40). It was determined that 24.5% of university students and 58.3% of their family members had COVID-19. While the rate of students donating blood was 30.7% until the pandemic, it was found that it decreased significantly (16.7%) during the pandemic period (p<0.001). It was determined that 47.9% of the students who needed a blood transfusion during the pandemic period had difficulty in finding blood. During the pandemic process, donation rates of male students, those who were not worried about the safety of blood, and those who thought that blood donation was beneficial for health were significantly higher (p<0.05). It was determined that the most common causes of concern/fear experienced by the students were "I'm afraid of contracting COVID-19". Conclusion: It was found that the rate of students donating blood decreased during the pandemic period. In women, the rate of donating was significantly lower in those who were concerned about the safety of blood and thought that blood donation was harmful to health.ABS TRACT Objective: To determine the practices and opinions of university students regarding blood donation in the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Material and Methods: A descriptive research design was used. A total of 424 undergraduate students from Ankara and Kafkas Universities made up the sample of the research. Research data were collected online between November 15, 2021 and February 15, 2022 using the snowball method. Frequency and mean values, the Chi-Square (χ²) and Mann-Whitney U tests were used in the statistical analysis of data. Results: The mean age of the students participating in the study was 20.8+2.28 (18-40). It was determined that 24.5% of university students and 58.3% of their family members had COVID-19. While the rate of students donating blood was 30.7% until the pandemic, it was found that it decreased significantly (16.7%) during the pandemic period (p<0.001). It was determined that 47.9% of the students who needed a blood transfusion during the pandemic period had difficulty in finding blood. During the pandemic process, donation rates of male students, those who were not worried about the safety of blood, and those who thought that blood donation was beneficial for health were significantly higher (p<0.05). It was determined that the most common causes of concern/fear experienced by the students were "I'm afraid of contracting COVID-19". Conclusion: It was found that the rate of students donating blood decreased during the pandemic period. In women, the rate of donating was significantly lower in those who were concerned about the safety of blood and thought that blood donation was harmful to health.