39th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2019, Hamburg, Almanya, 26 - 30 Ağustos 2019, ss.102-105
Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Laboratory (TARLA), which is supported by the Presidency Strategy and Budget Directorate of Turkey, aims to be a state-of-art research instrument for light source users in Turkey. Two superconducting accelerating modules of TARLA will drive two different planar undulator magnets with periods of 110 mm (U110) and 35 mm (U35) in order to generate high brightness Continuous Wave (CW) Free Electron Laser (FEL) tunable in between 5-350 µm. Additionally, the linacs will drive a Bremstrahlung radiation station to generate polarized gamma radiation. Main components of TARLA, such as injector, superconducting accelerating modules and cryoplant are under commissioning, currently. In this study, we present the current status of the facility as well as expected FEL performance.