The concept of self can be defined as the thoughts, perceptions and attitudes of the individual related to himself. The self is a very important concept which starts with adolescence and continues throughout life, and is very important for early adulthood. Self-esteem is a person's personal valuation of himself by evaluating the attitudes and behaviours of people around him towards the individual along with his own personality traits. The development of self-esteem and anger control of trainers can be considered as an important factor for them to become more successful trainers.The purpose of this study was to investigate the self-esteem and anger values of 404 trainers in various branches in Ankara according to the variables of gender, type of sport played, age, level and length of service. The population of the research consisted of 98 female and 306 male trainers in Ankara in 2019. A survey research method was used. Data were collected using the Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI) developed by S. Coopersmith and the four-point Likert-type Adolescent Anger Rating Scale (AARS) developed by Burney. The validity and reliability study of the scales used for the study was conducted and it was decided that the scales were valid and reliable. In the analysis of the data, arithmetic mean, frequency distribution and standard deviation values were used, and T-test, ANOVA test, Scheffe multiple comparison and Pearson correlation tests were performed.