Foetal protection against bovine virus diarrhoea virus after two-step vaccination

Frey H., Eicken K., Grummer B., Kenklies S., OĞUZOĞLU T. Ç., Moennig V.

JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES B-INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND VETERINARY PUBLIC HEALTH, cilt.49, sa.10, ss.489-493, 2002 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


In order to assess the efficacy of a two-step vaccination protocol with respect to foetal protection against transplacental infections with bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) with special attention to BVDV-2 seronegative heifers were vaccinated with an inactivated BVDV-1 vaccine and boostered with a modified live BVDV-1 vaccine after 4 weeks. A second group was left unvaccinated as control. Between days 30 and 120 of pregnancy the heifers of both groups were intranasally challenged with a mixture of BVDV-1 and -2. All heifers of the vaccinated group gave birth to nine clinically healthy, seronegative (precolostral) and BVDV-free calves. In contrast in the control group four BVDV viraemic underdeveloped calves were born. Additionally, one calf was stillborn and another viraemic calf was not viable and died 2 days after birth. All six calves of the control group were viraemic with BVDV-2. This study demonstrated for the first time that two-step vaccination of breeding cattle with a modified live BVDV vaccine 4 weeks after application of an inactivated BVDV vaccine was capable of providing a foetal protection against transplacental infection with BVDV-2.