Lyapunov type inequalities for second-order forced dynamic equations with mixed nonlinearities on time scales

Agarwal R. P., ÇETİN E., Ozbekler A.

REVISTA DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS FISICAS Y NATURALES SERIE A-MATEMATICAS, cilt.111, sa.1, ss.231-246, 2017 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In this paper, we present some newHartman and Lyapunov inequalities for second-order forced dynamic equations on time scales T with mixed nonlinearities: x(Delta Delta)(t) + Sigma(n)(k=1) qk (t)vertical bar x(sigma) (t)vertical bar (alpha k-1) x(sigma) (t) = f (t); t is an element of [t(0), infinity)(T), where the nonlinearities satisfy 0 < alpha(1) < ... < alpha(m) < 1 < alpha(m+1) < ... < alpha(n) < 2. No sign restrictions are imposed on the potentials qk, k = 1, 2, ... , n, and the forcing term f. The inequalities obtained generalize and compliment the existing results for the special cases of this equation in the literature.