Two Infant Cases Admitted with Atypical Presentation and Diagnosed as Type IV Hiatal Hernia Atipik Prezentasyonla Tip IV Dev Paraözofageal Hiatal Herni Tanısı Alan İki İnfant Olgu

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Öztürk E., Balcı Ö., Yazıcı M. U., Şahap S., Karaman A.

Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine(Turkey), cilt.9, sa.2, ss.138-142, 2022 (Scopus) identifier


Type IV paraesophageal hiatal hernias are diaphragmatic hernias that are extremely rare in the pediatric age group in which the stomach and other intra-abdominal organs herniate from the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm into the mediastinum. Since the defect in the hiatus is large, serious complications such as gastric volvulus may develop in these giant hernias as a result of the passage of a large part of the stomach into the thoracic cavity. Patients may present with atypical clinical manifestations such as growth retardation, not gaining weight, and recurrent pulmonary infections. In this report, two cases in the pediatric age group who were admitted with different clinical course and were diagnosed as type IV paraesophageal hiatal hernia who were successfully treated with surgical intervention are presented.