11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC 2008, Genoa, İtalya, 23 - 27 Haziran 2008, ss.2788-2790
The Turkish Accelerator Complex (TAC) is proposed as a regional facility for accelerator based fundamental and applied research in 1997 with support of Turkish State Planning Organization (DPT). The feasibility and conceptual design phases of TAC proposal were completed in 2001 and 2005, respectively. Again with support of DPT, the technical design phase of TAC was started at the beginning of 2006. The complex will include 1 GeV electron linac and 3.56 GeV positron ring for linac on ring type electron-positron collider as a charm factory and a few GeV proton linac. Besides the particle factory, it is also planned to produce SASE FEL from electron linac and synchrotron radiation from positron ring. It is planned that the TDR of TAC Project will be completed in 2011 and the construction will be performed during following ten years.