FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, cilt.60, sa.2, ss.253-265, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
Research background. In industrial ayran production, milk is diluted to the desired protein content (2 % (m/V)) prior to fermentation by yogurt starter cultures by partial replacement of cheese whey in reconstituted form with potable water. This may be an alternative way of protein recovery from cheese by-products as well as reducing the production costs since less milk is used in ayran production. On the other hand, the balance between milk caseins and whey proteins is disturbed when cheese whey is added to milk for ayran production, which likely leads to a time-dependent phase separation during cold storage. Modification of ayran matrix by enzymatic crosslinking of proteins may be a solution to overcome this potential physical instability of ayran. This topic has not been explored to date, and the present study was designed to investigate the possibilities of utilization of reconstituted whey powder (RWP) and microbial transglutaminase (MTG) in ayran production.