Objective: IBS is a functional disorder which is one of the most common causes of gastroentrology doctor visits. Besides multiple factors suggested for the etiology of IBS, the co-morbidity of psychiatric illnesses, of which MDD is most the frequent, is also noted. Being exposed to sexual or physical abuse is also considered as a risk factor for the development of IBS. Methods: In this study the differences between IBS patients and non-IBS control cases are evaluated regarding the history of major depressive disorder and sexual or physical abuse. Fiftyfour IBS and thirty control cases (mean age for IBS patients 41 +/- 11; for control group 34 +/- 12 years; p<0.05) were recruited for the study. Results: IBS patients had a history of MDD more frequently than the control cases (69% for the IBS group, n=37; 30% for the control group, n=9; p<0.001]. However, two groups did not differ regarding the history of sexual abuse (20% for the IBS group, n=11; (13% for the control group, n=4; p>0.05) or physical abuse (19% for the IBS group, n=10; 13% for the control group, n=4; p>0.05). Discussion: IBS and MDD are frequently co-morbid and this co-morbidity suggests a possible common point for the etiopathogenesis for both disorders. Nevertheless, the contribution of sexual or physical abuse to the co-morbidity of these disorders seems to be inconclusive. It can be suggested that sexual and physical abuse history do not have fundemental importance for the development of IBS in our patients. (Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 11:120-126)