Postirradiation linear morphoea: Clinical dermatology • Concise report

Akay B. N., Sanli H., Heper A.

Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, cilt.35, sa.4, 2010 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Postirradiation morphoea is an uncommon side-effect of radiotherapy. We report a 74-year-old woman who was treated with radiotherapy for endometrial carcinoma. About 3.5 years after the first dose of radiotherapy, the patient developed linear morphoea starting from the radiation port and affecting distant, nonirradiated skin. Lesions of radiation-induced morphoea are generally described as well-demarcated, indurated plaques with varying amounts of associated erythema; however, there is no previous publication of unilateral band-like distribution of morphoea associated with radiotherapy, to our knowledge. © 2009 British Association of Dermatologists.