3th. International Congress on Recreation and Sport Management, Antalya, Türkiye, 16 - 19 Mayıs 2022, ss.308-309
Introduction and Aim:
The aim of this study is to examine the experiences of the academic staff of the Faculty of Sport Sciences in the process of
organizational socialization in terms of behavioral and affective outputs of organizational socialization. The theoretical framework of
the study is based on Feldman (1981) Organizational Socialization Model (OSM). In the study, in accordance with the theoretical
framework, the experiences of the academicians of the Faculty of Sport Sciences in the process of organizational socialization were
tried to be revealed in the perspective of the stages of "anticipatory socialization, encounter, change and acquisition".
This study in the qualitative research approach is built on the interpretive paradigm. 11 academicians (3 females and 8 males)
selected according to the maximum diversity sampling method, one of the purposeful sampling methods, voluntarily participated in
the study in the phenomenological design. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview form. During the interviews, the
participants were asked personal information questions and 15 open-ended questions, which were created by examining the literature
according to the theoretical framework of the study and classified within the framework of OSM (anticipatory socialization, encounter,
change and acquisition). Content analysis method was used in the analysis of the obtained data. In the research, credibility,
transferability, reliability and verifiability strategies were used to ensure validity and reliability.
As a result of the analyzes made, three main themes were formed in accordance with the theoretical framework. The theme created
according to the anticipatory socialization dimension of OSM was ‘‘What I hoped, what I found', ‘‘Together but sometimes alone’’
according to the dimension of encounter, and ‘‘My dreams and my career’’ according to the dimension of change and acquisition.
While the views of academics on behavioral outcomes for organizational socialization were seen as staying in the organization and
being innovating and collaborating to achieve goals, their views on affective outcomes were seen as intrinsic work motivation and
work participation. It has been understood that financial support is insufficient for participation in international meetings and
organizations, which are considered important in terms of academic socialization, and regulations are needed in academic promotion
It has been observed that the academicians of the Faculty of Sport Sciences participating in the research have a high level of
integration with their profession. In addition, it has been stated by academics that it is important to stay in socially correct interactions
in professional development processes. As a result, it is understood that organizational socialization plays an important role on
professional development.
Keywords: Academician - organizational socialization - sports sciences