Correlation analysis which is used to test whether there is a correlation among two or more variables and to determine its direction and magnitude, is a statistical method commonly used in medical sciences. Correlation analysis helps to determine the correlated events, conditions or behaviors and to predict the value of a dependent variable by using the value of an independent variable. As an example, if a causal association between smoking and coronary heart disease is determined, it is possible to prevent coronary heart disease by controlling the smoking. As another example, using the correlation between the duration of admission to the hospital and duration of recovery, and the correlation between dosage of a drug and duration of recovery, beginning time of the treatment, adjustment of appropriate dosage and stopping time of the treatment can be determined. After determining the correlation pattern of the variables correctly, it should be decided that which correlation coefficient is more appropriate in which condition. In this study, symmetric and asymmetric correlation coefficients used in medical studies will be introduced.