Atıf İçin Kopyala
Ercan M., Özkan G., Çalişkan T. D., Özkan G.
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, cilt.21, ss.200-210, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)
It is required to determine the factors that are dangerous in terms of occupational health and safety in hazardous waste disposal facilities, which is an area where multidisciplinary work is required. It is also needed to find solutions for preventing risks that may cause. In this study; probability, severity and frequency criteria were used as decision criteria and the importance weights of these criteria were determined with fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Then, 46 risks identified for the five main processes such as entry of waste to the plant, waste analysis, intermediate storage of hazardous waste, disposal of hazardous waste, and auxiliary facilities; were evaluated by fuzzy TOPSIS method according to decision criteria and prioritized according to their level. It is found that the highest priority risks for all sub-process are “fire and explosion”.