10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, DIPAC 2011, Hamburg, Almanya, 16 - 18 Mayıs 2011, ss.536-538
The TAC (Turkish Accelerator Center) IR FEL facility which is named as Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Laboratory at Ankara, TARLA will be based on a 15-40 MeV electron linac accompanying two different undulators with 2.5 cm and 9 cm periods in order to obtain IR FEL ranging between 2-250 microns. The electron linac will consist of two sequenced modules, each housing two 9-cell superconducting TESLA cavities for cw operation. It is planned that the TARLA facility will be will be completed in 2013 at Golbasi campus of Ankara University. This facility will give an opportunity to the scientists and industry to use FEL in research and development in Turkey and our region. In this study, the main structure of the facility and planned electron beam diagnostics system is given in detail.