Food additives and effects on the human health Gida katki maddeleri̇ ve i̇nsan saǧliǧi üzeri̇ne etki̇leri̇

Erden Çalişir Z., Çalişkan D.

Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi, cilt.32, sa.3, ss.193-206, 2003 (Scopus) identifier

  • Yayın Türü: Makale / Derleme
  • Cilt numarası: 32 Sayı: 3
  • Basım Tarihi: 2003
  • Dergi Adı: Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi
  • Derginin Tarandığı İndeksler: Scopus, TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.193-206
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: Additive, Effect, Food, System
  • Ankara Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


This review is going to be an evaluation food additives in ready-to-eat foods, which are a part of our lives. With increasing consumption of ready-to-eat-foods a lot of research has been going into the matter of increased exposure to additives. Additionally, it will mention the effect of food additives on the systems on the human body.