Bilim ve Toplum Adamı Olarak Stepan Dmitriyeviç Maynagaşev (1886-1920)

Killi Yılmaz G.

Modern Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, cilt.21, sa.2, ss.224-257, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


Stepan Dmitriy Maynagashev, a Hakas ethnographer and linguist, was executed by Soviet authorities in 1920 at the age of 34 on charges of anti-revolutionary activities. Maynagashev, who was rehabilitated in 2000, had his life and work explored primarily after this date, leading to a delayed understanding of his significance in Hakas political and scientific history within Turkology circles. He studied society, law, ethnography, and linguistics in Moscow and conducted scientific expeditions to Khakasia, where he recorded numerous ethnographic materials and the first audio recordings of Hakas dialects. His published travel reports and articles offer crucial insights into the life, folklore, and ethnography of Khakas tribes at the turn of the 20th century, while his archived and unpublished materials further reveal their scope. Maynagashev also led the movement to unite the Hakas tribes, previously known as 'Minusin' or 'Abakan Tatars,' into a single nation under the name 'Hakas,' and made pioneering contributions to the development of the Hakas written language."