Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi, cilt.35, sa.2, ss.95-101, 2006 (Scopus)
The fennel (Foenicilum vulgare Miller subsp. vulgare var. dulce (Miller) is an annual plant of Apiaceae. It is widely used as flavouring agent in foodstuffs. It also is used commonly a as stimulation of gastrointestinal in folk medicine. The fruits are rich in essential oil and the main constituents at different cultivated conditions were found to be trans-anethole 60.6-87.0 %, anisaldehyde 6.1-21.3 %, estragole 3.2-11.7%, α-fenchone 0.7-3.2 %, limonene 0.3-2.5 %, carvone 0.3-1.0 % and cis-anetol 0.2-0.9 %. The results of GC and GC/MS analysis showed that the fruits should be cultivated at nitrogenous conditions for volatile oil yield and composition. The effect of different fertilizers and doses on the yield and ratio of main components of the volatile oil are evaluated.