Corpus Linguistics Meets Psycholinguistics: Insights From Turkish-English Collocations

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Cangir H.

Exploration of the Intersection of Corpus Linguistics and Language Science, Hakan Cangır,Kutay Uzun,Taner Can,Enis Oğuz, Editör, IGI Global yayınevi, Pennsylvania, ss.27-54, 2025

  • Yayın Türü: Kitapta Bölüm / Araştırma Kitabı
  • Basım Tarihi: 2025
  • Yayınevi: IGI Global yayınevi
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Pennsylvania
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.27-54
  • Editörler: Hakan Cangır,Kutay Uzun,Taner Can,Enis Oğuz, Editör
  • Ankara Üniversitesi Adresli: Hayır


This chapter reports the findings of a priming study, employing both corpus and psycholinguistic techniques and investigating cross-linguistic collocational priming in L1 Turkish - L2 English bilinguals. A lexical decision task experiment was conducted to examine whether collocational priming exists across languages and to assess the impact of frequency, congruence, and language direction on collocational processing. While the findings reveal evidence for cross-linguistic collocational priming, the effects are relatively weak. Contrary to previous studies, the effect of congruence between Turkish and English collocations was not observed, potentially due to the restructuring of collocational representations in the lexicon as a result of prolonged exposure to English. Furthermore, the study highlights an asymmetry in priming effects, with faster processing observed in the L2-L1 direction (for ADJ+N collocations). The findings contribute to our understanding of how bilinguals represent and access collocational knowledge, with implications for the theories of bilingual mental lexicon.