World Aquatic Health Conference 2022, Pretoria, Güney Afrika, 4 - 07 Aralık 2022
Rainbow trout is
one of the highest cultured fish species because of its resistance against disease,
variable water quality and stress factors by comparison with other cultured
Among all of
European countries, Turkey is the biggest rainbow trout (portion-size) producer,
according to the FEAP report (FEAP, 2018). Pseudomonas and Vibrio species have
been described as one of the most common bacterial infectious agents of
cultured fish and have been reported to cause stress-related diseases in
freshwater fish (López et al., 2012; Derome et al., 2016) which limits the fish
production in Turkey (Ozturk and Altinok, 2014; Duman et al., 2018;Saticioglu
et al., 2018). In the present study, we aimed that virulence characterization
of Pseudomonas spp. and Vibrio spp. isolated from cultured fish species mainly
rainbow trout, sea bream and sea bass in Turkey. A total of 93 Pseudomonas
strains tree groups, five subgroups and 24 species and 54 Vibrio strains
includes 7 species which were described before by Duman et al. (2022 and 2023).
To the genomic virulence characterization of these isolates, Pseudomonas
isolates were analyzed for 19 different virulence genes and Vibrio isolates
were analyzed for 21 virulence genes which were commonly reported genes by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The target virulence genes amplified using
optimum melting temperature and standardized PCR master mix in thermal cycler
and amplicons were visualized in agarose gel by automatized gel imaging system.
The fliC-CW virulence gene encodes flagellin in Pseudomonas strains and serine
protease gene encodes the extracellular products (ECP) of Vibrio species was
reported to be lethal to fish were most common detected genes. For Pseudomonas
strains, toxA, exoT, lasI and pvdA were the other detected genes and for Vibrio
strains, Vah1 F-R, Vah2 F-R, Vah4 F-R, Vah5 F-R, Zot F-R, VVH F-R, Collagenase
F-R, tcpA F-R, chiA, gyrB, vhpA, vpsR, nanH, vhh, tlhr2, luxR, toxRVc, flaC and
VP-PA were also detected. As a conclusion, while five virulence genes were
detected in 93 Pseudomonas isolates, 22 virulence genes were found in 54 Vibrio
isolates. Our results showed that Vibrio species could be more pathogenic
bacteria species for cultured fish, especially rainbow trout, sea bream and sea
bass, than Pseudomonas species.