Genel Bilgiler

Kurum Bilgileri: Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı
Araştırma Alanları: Tarımsal Bilimler, Temel Bilimler




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Tez Danışmanlığı


Açık Erişim

BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları


        I was born in İzmir in Turkey on 04.10.1963 as the son of Mr. Bekir ULUKAN who is a soldier. I completed my high school education in Ankara in Türkiye, then I entered the University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops in 1982 and finished it in 1986 as an undergraduate student.


       Net year, I get the position of  “Researcher Assistantship”, I completed my Master's (MSc) thesis under the advisory of Prof.Dr. Ekrem KÜN, entitled “Effect of Between and On Row Distance to First Development, Tillering, Yield and Yield Components in Wheat (Triticum spp.) between 1987 and 1990.


         Afterward, I was sent to Italy for participating in a scientific course on the “Corso Di Cerealicoltura” (Cereal Culture) by the Republic of Turkish Government for (7) months.  When getting back to my homeland, I completed my Doctorate Thesis (Ph.D.) under the advisory of  Prof Dr. A. Murat ÖZGEN, entitled “Relationships Between Rust (Puccinia spp.) Resistance in Some Wheat (Triticum spp.) Species” between the 1991 and the 1998 years.


         Now, I am working in the same department as an educational staff since 2012 with the branch of Cereals and Edible Pulses Growing and Breeding. I give some lessons such as FIELD CROPS AGRONOMY at the level of graduate, and FIELD CROPS ECOLOGY at the level of Master Science and Ph.D. I was called to attend an international conference which was organized by ANSINET and ACSE in UAE, Dubai-Deira in 2015. I participate in various international and scientific conferences in Bosnia-Herzegovina (Saraybosnia) in 2016 and 2017, and in Hungary (Budapest) in 2019. Similarly, I gave a lesson within the Erasmus+ Project in Spain (Valladolid) in 2018. Also, At the same time, I am an Editorial Board Member, Editor-In-Chief and have many national and international referees in these journals:







Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (TJAF), Journal of the Agricultural Science  (JAS), Journal of the University of Tekirdağ, Faculty of Agriculture (JOTAF), American Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (IDOSI), American Journal of Plant Physiology (AJPP), International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics (IJBPBG), Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. (JACS), Crop Science, Outlook on Agriculture, ACTA Agronomica Section B Plant and Soil, Australian Journal of Crop Science (AJCS), Journal of Applied Science (JAS), Journal of Agronomy (JA), Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics (JPBG), Basic Research Journal of Agricultural Science Revolution (BRJASR), Asian Journal of Plant Science (AJPS), Pakistan Journal of Biological Science (PJBS), International Journal of Botany (IJB), International Journal of Plant Production (IJPP), International Journal of Agricultural Biology (IJAB), Research Journal of Agricultural Research (RJAR), Research Journal of Seed Science (RJSS), Research Journal of Botany (RJBOT), International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics (IJPBG), Asian Journal of Crop Science (AJCS), Journal of Plant Science (JPS), Journal of Biological Science (JBS), Journal of Applied Science (JAS), Biological Diversity and Conservation (BIODICON), African Journal of Biotechnology (AJB), African Journal of Agricultural Res. (AJAR), Cereal Research Communication (CRC), Euphytica, Science Research and Assays (SRE), Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB), International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER), Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Science (ANAJAS), Anadolu İzlenimleri, Derim, African Research Journal (ARJ), African Journal of Biotechnology (AJB), African Journal of Agricultural Research (AJAR), Arid Land Research and Management (ALRM)







ü      Cereal and Pulses Growing & Breeding (Biotic and Abiotic Stresses, Heredity, Crop Rotation, Yield Formation, Seed Production, Flower System(s), Ecology, Adaptation, etc.), Plant Gene Resources, Biodiversity, Gene Bank/Seed Bank, Gene Centers, Wild Wheats &  Relatives), etc.

ü      Plant Domestication, Classical Plant Breeding, Rust Resistance in Wheat,  Reproduction Systems & Methodology, Flower Structure, Hybridization, Heterosis, Heterobeltiosis, Apomixis, Climate Change, Global Warming, Global Warming Effect(s) on Plant Production and Field Crops, etc.

ü      Agronomic Practices/Processes (es), Plant Adaptation, Agricultural System(s) and Ecology(ies), Arid/Dry Farming, Soil Cultivation Place in terms of Field Crops and Growing, Seed, Seedling, General Agricultural Biotechnology, Storage of the Field Crops, Climate Change (Effect(s) on Field Crops), etc.




Prof. Dr.                                     University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Field    

                                                     Crops, Cereal and Pulses Growing and Breeding  (Cont.)


(2005-1998 )

The University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Field Crops, Cereal and Pulses Growing and Breeding.

The University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of

Field Crops,

(       -1998)

The doctorate Thesis Title (In Turkish) is: “Bazı Buğday (Triticum spp.) Türlerinde Pasa (Puccinia spp.) Dayanıklılık ile Morfolojik Özellikler Arasındaki İlişkiler” / “Relationships Between Rust (Puccinia spp.) Resistance and Morphologic Traits in Some Wheat (Triticum spp.) Species”  (In English)



The University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Field Crops,

Master Thesis Title (In Turkish) is: “Buğday (Triticum spp.) 'da Sıra Arası Açıklığı ve Sıra Üzeri Sıklığının İlk Gelişme, Kardeşlenme, Verim ve Verim Ögelerine Etkisi” / “Effect of Between and on Row distance to First Development, Tillering, Yield and Yield Components in Wheat (Triticum spp.)”    (In English)

Res. Assist.


The University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Field Crops 



The University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Field Crops





ü  To participate in a course on “DNA Molecular Marker Techniques” in Aleppo City in Syria which was organized by ICARDA,

ü  To participate in a course on “Biotechnology” in İzmir City in Türkiye which was organized by the University of Aegean for 7 days,

ü  To participate in a course on “Biotechnology” in Gebze City in Türkiye which was organized by TÜBİTAK-MAM for 7 days,

ü A scientific board member participating in a course on “Cereal Agriculture” in Reggio Emilia City in Italy which was organized by IFOA for 7 months period,

ü  2012 International Conference on Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering (ICAFBE 2012) Guangzhou, China, May 11-13, 2012, which was organized by ICAFBE,

ü   To participate in a workshop on “Rice Agronomy” in Edirne City in Türkiye which was organized by  the Ministry, of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock during 13-14 September,

ü   To participate in a workshop on “International Drought Management” in Ankara City in Türkiye which was organized by the Ministry, of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock during 4-5 March 2014,



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Posta Adresi
Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, 06110, Dışkapı, Ankara, TÜRKİYE (TR) The University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, 06110, Dışkapı, Ankara, TÜRKİYE (TR)