Ekoloji, sa.74, ss.89-101, 2010 (SCI-Expanded)
This research was carried out to determine the steppe vegetation between the Ereǧli-Karaman. The steppe vegetation of the area was analyzed by the tree dimensional ordination technique based on the Braun-Blanquet approach. A new alliance and three new associations were determined and classified syntaxonomicaly from the area which is under the influences of a semi-arid, very cold type of mediterranien climate. Associations and their higher units are as follows: Class: Astragalo-Brometea Quezel 1973, Order: Onobrychido armeni-Thymetalia leucostomi Akman, Ketenoǧlu, Quezel 1985, Alliance: Cousinia iconici-Artemision santonici all. nova, Association: Gaudiniopso-Nepetetum congestae ass. nova, Association: Bufonio-Alyssetum desertorum ass. nova, Association: Cyathobaso-Peganetum harmalae ass. nova, Phytosociological and phytoecological features of the associations had been discussed and compared with the similar associations.