Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, vol.56, no.2, pp.91-94, 2009 (SCI-Expanded)
In the present study, a total of 20 bulbus oculi of 10 New Zealand Rabbit from left and right sides was used. By the use of Leica M16 stereomicroscope course of vessels entering to bulbus oculi, formation of circulus vasculosus nervi optici and ramifying of vessels in the bulbus oculi were investigated. It was detected that vascularisation of bulbus oculi was supplied by arteriae ciliares posteriores longae and arteria centralis retina which were originated from arteria ophthalmica externa and it was also observed that arteria ciliaris anterioris was absent. The medial aspect of iris, corpus ciliare and processus ciliares which were constituted the anterior part of bulbus oculi were supplied by a. ciliaris posterioris longa medialis and it was also determined that lateral aspect was supplied by a. ciliaris posterioris longa lateralis. It was established that vascularization of the retina except discus n.optici and choroidea was supplied by aa. ciliares posteriores breves which were branched from aa. ciliares posteriores longae. It was determined that discus n. optici and the area where nervus opticus departed from sclera were supplied by circulus arteriosus n. optici.