BRITISH JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING, cilt.48, sa.3, ss.374-393, 2020 (SSCI)
This study examined the DSM-5 factor structure of scores on the Turkish version of the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) and predictors of PTSD caseness in a sample of male prisoners. The 7-factor hybrid model was the optimal model relative to the alternatives. Consistent with the PTSD literature in prisoners, the majority of respondents had past traumatic experiences (96.7%), a probable PTSD diagnosis (68.4%), pathological dissociation (46.8%) and somatoform dissociation (52.3%). Probable PTSD caseness was significantly associated with dissociation and depression, as well as higher levels of education and being married. Re-experiencing was strongly associated with mental and somatic dissociation; whereas dysphoric arousal was related to depression and anxiety.