TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY, vol.40, no.5, pp.531-545, 2016 (SCI-Expanded)
Basidiomata were collected from Trabzon, Tokat, and Istanbul provinces between 2011 and 2015. Standard methods were used during collecting and microscopic investigations. Cantharellus ianthinoxanthus (R. Maire) Kuhner, Cortinarius humicola (Quel.) Maire, Cortinarius obtusorum Rob. Henry, Cortinarius rubicundulus (Rea) A. Pearson, Cortinarius sordescens Rob. Henry, Crinipellis subtomentosa (Peck) Singer, Macrotyphula juncea (Alb. & Schwein.) Berthier, Pluteus chrysophaeus (Schaeff.) Quel., Pseudoomphalina kalchbrenneri (Bres.) Singer, and Suillellus pulchrotinctus (Alessio) Blanco-Dios were identified and recorded for the first time for the Turkish fungal biodiversity. Field and laboratory images, descriptions, and a brief discussion about the new records are provided.