This study aimed to determine the effects of the breeder age on the egg yield and egg quality traits of Landes geese in the first egg production cycle. One hundred ninety-four Landes geese aged 48 weeks were kept in the yard area throughout the egg production period. Egg number, egg weight, egg mass production, and goose-day egg production were significantly affected by the breeder age (p < 0.001). Breeder age affected the albumen index, yolk index, Haugh unit, albumen pH, yolk pH, and yolk color values. The albumen index, yolk index, and yolk color values were significantly higher at 55 weeks of age compared to the other breeder ages (62 and 64 weeks of age) (p < 0.05; p < 0.001). The shape index, albumen ratio, and yolk ratio were not significantly affected by the breeder age. There was a decrease in the shell thickness, albumen index, and yolk index as the egg production period progressed. Since the shell thickness, albumen index, and yolk index decreased with age, it is concluded that the egg quality of Landes geese may deteriorate with age.