Akyüz E.

IOJET, vol.10, no.4, pp.2641-2651, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 10 Issue: 4
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Journal Name: IOJET
  • Journal Indexes: EBSCO Education Source, Educational research abstracts (ERA), ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), MLA - Modern Language Association Database, Directory of Open Access Journals, TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.2641-2651
  • Ankara University Affiliated: Yes


The needs of human beings for comprehension and expression are met in various ways through the innovations of the age. Technological innovations are occupying a larger space in our lives day by day, expanding their influence and meeting our needs through tools produced using these innovations. "Podcasts," which share similar features and functions with radio broadcasts that were popular in the past, serve the purpose of obtaining news and information as well as providing entertainment, and they are currently attracting significant interest. A podcast can be defined as an audio diary or a digital product in which a distinct topic is covered in each episode. It is evident that audio content has established its place among educational tools, especially in recent years, leading to an increase in research on this subject. This study delves into the utilization of podcasts, a contemporary technological tool, in Turkish language lessons as digital materials to enhance native language skills. The use of podcasts in developing students' language skills and enriching their vocabulary, along with the criteria that teachers should consider when creating and selecting podcasts, is discussed in accordance with existing literature.