Dr. Emre Keskin is
evolutionary geneticist at Ankara University Evolutionary Genetics
Laboratory (eGL) and one of the working
group leaders of DNAqua-Net. He received the BS, MSc and PhD degrees from
Ankara University, in Biotechnology. After completing his PhD, he joined many
EU scientific networks and played a key role in the development of
environmental DNA metabarcoding conceptual framework with the task to identify
gold-standard genomic tools and novel eco-genomic indices and metrics for
routine application for biodiversity assessments and biomonitoring of European
water bodies.
He mainly focusses on
(e)DNA (meta)barcoding of aquatic ecosystems, especially targeting invasive,
endangered and endemic species. His research group is working on vertebrates,
invertebrates and microorganisms in terms of epigenetics, bioinformatics and
metagenomics. He has more than 40 published
articles and more than 100 presentations at national and international meetings
and 7 awards from these presentations. He has taken part in 50 national and
international projects so far, and has worked as project leader in 12 of these
Emre Keskin was awarded
with international awards by FSBI (British Islands Fisheries Association), COST
(European Science and Technology Association) and LiF (Innovation Leadership
Foundation) as a result of his studies. The next generation eDNA Metabarcoding
Kit developed by the biotechnology company he founded was awarded with an award
for the evaluation of innovation projects made by the British Royal Academy and
Newton Foundation.
He is a member of various
commissions of 6 different international organizations, namely the United
Nations IPBES and IUCN. Emre Keskin continues to work on the national platform as
a member of Fisheries Genetic Resources Advisory Commission, Fisheries Research
Programs Evaluation Group and the Biodiversity, Education and Renewable Energy
Working Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
- Web Page
- Office Phone
- +90 312 596 1722
- Address
- Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Su Ürünleri Mühendisliği Bölümü Evrimsel Genetik Laborauvarı Kavacık Subayevleri 06135 Keçiören Ankara