KIYÂMET ALÂMETLERİ (On Alâmeti Bir Arada Zikreden Rivâyetlerin Tahlîli)

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Ankara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2007

Tezin Dili: Türkçe

Öğrenci: Süleyman ALTUNTAŞ



Mankind have been anxious about the signs of the qıyamah (i.e. the rising of the dead) from of old. Innumerable searches heve been made in this field and compiled a lot of boks. Especially the description of the scenes of the rising of the dead by the Qoran in detail made muslims eigther enxious this subject. There heve been too many taraditions in the books which contain the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad which are the second İslamic source atfer the Holy Qoran. The correctness problem of theese traditions, which made deep footsteps on the İslamic thougth, become a subject of research. We took Huzayfa b. al-Asîd and Vâsilah b. al-Asqâ traditions which took a wide place in the mentioned books as the subject of this work . These traditions are in which the most famous ' ten signs' took place. These signs can be detailed as 'Dadjdjal' ( a legendary personage in Islamic escatology), 'Dâbbabet al Ardh' (a kind of living criature which will come out of the earth), 'Descend of Jesus', 'Appearance of Gog and Magog', 'Rise of the Son in the West', Occurrence of a great fire ' Occurrence of three holes on the earth, one in the East, one in the West and the third in the Arabian Peninsula and 'Occurance of smoke ower all the earth.' As a coclusion, we found that a great majority of the coming ways of the traditions are in accord with each other and that these ways have no any serious point of critics. So we assumed tahat these tradions which took place in all tradition books other than Sahih al Bukhari, both for their consistence in themselves and that the signs they contain took place in all books, of which the had is Sahih al Buhkhari, singly or in groups of different numbers, are correct.