Dünya Bankası Destekli Proje, 2009 - 2012
1. The following socio-economic data will be collected and compiled from census data of Turkey starting from 1990 up today for national, provinces (81) and municipalities (923) levels and made available to the research partners:
· Population density (for rural areas);
· Population density (average);
· Livestock number;
· Livestock density;
· Income per capita (GDP);
· Human development index (to be decided);
· Agricultural production by field crops (kg/ha);
· Forest production (m3/ha);
2. Prepare map outputs, using GIS (make geo-referenced socio-economic analysis at national, provinces and municipalities levels):
· Population density;
· Livestock density;
· Income classes based upon education, employment (by sectors) and household size;
The highest possible resolution should be aimed at, preferably high resolution geo-referenced distribution but some data may be available at lowest administrative regions that should be gridded.
3. Develop an analytical method to integrate and aggregate different socio-economic on biophysical factors:
3.1 Define classes to be used (i.c.w. WUR, Prof E. van Ierland);
3.2 Formulate hypothesis and queries (i.c.w. WUR, Prof E. van Ierland);
3.3 Interpretation and revision (i.c.w. WUR, Prof E. van Ierland).
4. Reporting: a final report on the socio-economic aspects of the land degradation assessment and risk mapping will be prepared, in close collaboration with ISRIC.
5. Preparations for final workshop.