2003 - Continues Research Assistant
Ankara University, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü
Undergraduate Political Psychology
Undergraduate Political Sociology
Doctorate Difference and Becoming in Political Thought
Postgraduate Difference and Becoming in Political Thought
Doctorate Michel Foucault and Political Theory
Postgraduate Michel Foucault and Political Theory
Postgraduate Crime and Punishment
Doctorate Crime and Punishment
Postgraduate The Genealogy of Governmentality
Doctorate The Genealogy of Governmentality
Tribe, Party and Politics: A Study on the Political Divisions among Iraqi Kurds
Agtaş Ö. (Advisor)
M.Arıkan(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Friendship as a Political Category
Agtaş Ö. (Advisor)
S.Kumlu(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
The Pharmacy of Violence: Seeking an Antidote through Decolonial Feminist Phenomenology
Agtaş Ö. (Advisor)
D.Şahin(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Thinking about the Possibility of an Ecological Society: Deep Ecology and Social Ecology
Agtaş Ö. (Advisor)
Human Rights and Neoliberal Subject: An Evalution of the Critical Legal Theory of Costas Douiznas
Agtaş Ö. (Advisor)
The Right to Free Elections in the Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights
Agtaş Ö. (Advisor)
G.Yardımcı(Student), Postgraduate, 2020 -
Reading Walter Benjamin As a Political Thinker
Agtaş Ö. (Advisor)
Confronting the Past: Legal and Historical Possibilities and Limitations
Agtaş Ö. (Advisor)