M. A. İbiş And K. Sarıca, "Management of Ureteral Stones," In The Ureter , Zürich: Springer, London/Berlin , 2024, pp.465-492.
İbiş, M. A. And Sarıca, K. Management of Ureteral Stones. 2024. In The Ureter , Springer, London/Berlin , Zürich, 465-492.
İbiş, M. A., & Sarıca, K., (2024). Management of Ureteral Stones. The Ureter (pp.465-492), Zürich: Springer, London/Berlin .
İbiş, MUHAMMED, And Kemal Sarıca. "Management of Ureteral Stones." In The Ureter , 465-492. Zürich: Springer, London/Berlin , 2024
İbiş, MUHAMMED A. And Sarıca, Kemal. "Management of Ureteral Stones." The Ureter , Springer, London/Berlin , 2024, pp.465-492.
İbiş, M. A. And Sarıca, K. (2024) "Management of Ureteral Stones", The Ureter . Zürich: Springer, London/Berlin .
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