M. İlhan Esgin And E. Asil, "Coffee consumption: Links with anxiety and depression," In Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention , London: Academic Press , 2025, pp.665-674.
İlhan Esgin, M. And Asil, E. Coffee consumption: Links with anxiety and depression. 2025. In Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention , Academic Press , London, 665-674.
İlhan Esgin, M., & Asil, E., (2025). Coffee consumption: Links with anxiety and depression. Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention (pp.665-674), London: Academic Press .
İlhan Esgin, MERVE, And ESMA ASİL. "Coffee consumption: Links with anxiety and depression." In Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention , 665-674. London: Academic Press , 2025
İlhan Esgin, MERVE İ. And Asil, ESMA. "Coffee consumption: Links with anxiety and depression." Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention , Academic Press , 2025, pp.665-674.
İlhan Esgin, M. And Asil, E. (2025) "Coffee consumption: Links with anxiety and depression", Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention . London: Academic Press .
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={MERVE İLHAN ESGİN And author ={ESMA ASİL}, chaptertitle={Coffee consumption: Links with anxiety and depression}, booktitle={ Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention}, publisher={Academic Press }, city={London},year={2025} }