E. BAYRAM Et Al. , "Some spectral properties of Non selfadjoint Matrix Valued Difference Operator," nternational Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS 2016) , 2016
BAYRAM, E. Et Al. 2016. Some spectral properties of Non selfadjoint Matrix Valued Difference Operator. nternational Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS 2016) .
BAYRAM, E., CEBESOY, Ş., & AYGAR KÜÇÜKEVCİLİOĞLU, Y., (2016). Some spectral properties of Non selfadjoint Matrix Valued Difference Operator . nternational Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS 2016)
BAYRAM, ELGİZ, ŞERİFENUR CEBESOY, And YELDA AYGAR KÜÇÜKEVCİLİOĞLU. "Some spectral properties of Non selfadjoint Matrix Valued Difference Operator," nternational Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS 2016), 2016
BAYRAM, ELGİZ Et Al. "Some spectral properties of Non selfadjoint Matrix Valued Difference Operator." nternational Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS 2016) , 2016
BAYRAM, E. CEBESOY, Ş. And AYGAR KÜÇÜKEVCİLİOĞLU, Y. (2016) . "Some spectral properties of Non selfadjoint Matrix Valued Difference Operator." nternational Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS 2016) .
@conferencepaper{conferencepaper, author={ELGİZ BAYRAM Et Al. }, title={Some spectral properties of Non selfadjoint Matrix Valued Difference Operator}, congress name={nternational Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS 2016)}, city={}, country={}, year={2016}}