O. Gungor Et Al. , "The effect of deslorelin on oestrus cycle in ewes," INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL , vol.84, no.8, pp.821-823, 2007
Gungor, O. Et Al. 2007. The effect of deslorelin on oestrus cycle in ewes. INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL , vol.84, no.8 , 821-823.
Gungor, O., BAŞTAN, A., Sariozkan, S., Erol, H., Kaya, M., Oral, H., ... Kacar, C.(2007). The effect of deslorelin on oestrus cycle in ewes. INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL , vol.84, no.8, 821-823.
Gungor, Orsan Et Al. "The effect of deslorelin on oestrus cycle in ewes," INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL , vol.84, no.8, 821-823, 2007
Gungor, Orsan Et Al. "The effect of deslorelin on oestrus cycle in ewes." INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL , vol.84, no.8, pp.821-823, 2007
Gungor, O. Et Al. (2007) . "The effect of deslorelin on oestrus cycle in ewes." INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL , vol.84, no.8, pp.821-823.
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